‘Blade Runner 2049’ director reveals six hour director’s cut for home release



bladerunnerfinalcutposterIf you didn’t know already, the original ‘Blade Runner’ has several different versions. Some of the changes are more subtle than others, but the most drastic changes happened in Ridley Scott’s “Final Cut” which was released in 2007. In keeping with the spirit of things, it seems as though the director of ‘Blade Runner 2049’, Denis Villeneuve will also be releasing a cut of his own.

Villeneuve, who is also known for the highly successful sci-fi film, ‘Arrival’, had this to say in regards to extended versions of movies and studio interference.

“‘Batman v Superman’ was amazing. I’m a huge fan of Snyder’s work, and I think it’s garbage that he had to release the ‘Ultimate Cut’ to begin with. Didn’t the studio learn their lesson with ‘Watchmen’? Just let the artists do their art, that’s what I say! I remember when Jackson’s Rings trilogy came out, or rather the era in which it did, and I was impressed with how well done they were, and even more so once the extended editions were released. I was inspired. Unfortunately, Warner Bros. is also sticking their fingers into the editing process with Blade Runner. I hate to admit it but there was a lot of material left on the cutting room floor.

For this reason, there will be a six hour director’s cut released on home video. It’s practically a different movie. Go see the one in theaters but don’t take it to heart. And especially don’t listen to that hogwash about Deckard being a replicant (laughs) — wait ’til you see my cut!”

The subsequent releases of ‘Blade Runner’ had major implications for the subtext and unspoken truths in the film’s plot, and fans have been arguing ever since. Hopefully Warner Bros. can eventually stop meddling with their movies, and let the better movie see the light of day for everyone!


‘Blade Runner 2049’ is due for release on October 6th, 2017.

director Denis Villeneuve

‘Game of Thrones’ showrunners say Season 8 will debut “within the next decade or so”


After the recent epic finale of Season 7, ‘Game of Thrones’ showrunners, David Benioff, and D.B. Weiss, have clued us all in about how long it will take to film and then release Season 8. ‘Game of Thrones’ is an atypical show, in that the episodes are basically feature film length and are presented on HBO, giving them a high budget and cinematic quality. With this in mind, the seasons are not simply slapped together. It takes a lot of work to create each episode, especially when the massive amount of lore and context from the books are taken into account.

In a recent interview, David Benioff had this to say:

“Season 7 was great! It got a fantastic reception overall from critics and fans alike, but we also took careful notice of the criticisms. Many people felt like we stretched plausibility a little too far. We respectfully disagree, but we take criticism like this in stride. We’ve decided to take a little extra time with Season 8.”

But does this mean the final season of the show will come out a little bit later, or much later? We asked, and his answer might not be what you’d expect.

“Well, like I saDavid_Benioff_by_Gage_Skidmore_2id, we respectfully disagree about the plausibility thing. Martin has consulted us on the show, and things like distances and whathaveyou[sic] have been left up to interpretation to a certain degree, and we’ve generally just skimmed over the relative travel times between places for the sake of pacing and time restraints. That much should be obvious to any viewer. But to combat this now, in the final season, we’re probably going to take years to finish it. We are literally going to great lengths to make it better. It’ll probably come out within the next decade or so. I don’t know. If what we end up with pleases the fans, so be it. If it doesn’t, well, we tried. I expect people to use their imaginations and think for themselves.”

That’s a pretty cut and dried answer! Hopefully we will see the final season be released before any nuclear wars start! (fingers crossed)


20th Century Fox Says Dana Carvey was their “original choice” for Cable in Deadpool 2

The set photos and official images from the highly anticipated ‘Deadpool 2’ are beginning to hit the internet, and fans worldwide have made their approval known. First, 20th Century Fox revealed Domino, played by Zazie Beetz, an actress who is fairly new. Also starring in the film alongside leading man, Ryan Reynolds, is Josh Brolin. Brolin is a well-seasoned actor, having starred in iconic movies such as ‘The Goonies’ when he was younger, and more recently taking on the role of Thanos in Marvel Studio’s blockbuster cinematic universe.

Revealed earlier this year, after much speculation as to who would take the part, Josh Brolin has also been cast as Cable, a well-known X-Men character and an important part of Deadpool’s story.



However, what you may not know is Brolin was not the studio’s preference for who should be Cable! In fact, they told our BS team in an exclusive interview that the actor they had lined up before Brolin was none other than Dana Carvey, whom you may know from ‘Wayne’s World’ and ‘The Master of Disguise’. Simon Kinberg, who is producing the film and is one of the writers, had this to say:

Our plan was to have Dana Carvey take the role. He was the first person that came up during our very first meeting about it actually, our original choice. We even started drawing up some concept art, though I’m not sure where it’s at now. But yeah, Mr. Carvey came in and did some screen tests for the part. We loved his work in Master of Disguise, and we asked him to channel some of his Pistachio Disguisey [sic] “clumsy Italian guy” bit to really make Cable stand out. The higher ups were in love with him, the screen tests went so well! We spent so much time in the drawing room, so to speak, making this happen. Cable was going to be this fun, bizarre sort of dude, with a funny accent, and we basically gave Mr. Carvey permission to ad lib and throw in some additional impersonations if he felt it would work with the tone of the scene and the script.

“We really feel this is what the fans would want.” is what I believe the executives’ exact words were. They had a vision for Cable that they felt was true to the character, and Mr. Carvey’s interpretation really drove it home. Unfortunately, [Ryan] Reynolds and David [Leitch] decided to go in a different direction, they persuaded us to see it a different way, and we had to respectfully part ways with Mr. Carvey.

Well, add that to the ever-growing list of things in movies we’ll never get to see! Looks like we’re stuck with the new vision for Cable now. At least Josh Brolin is an amazing actor, and the pictures look promising!

‘Deadpool 2’ is scheduled for release tentatively for 2018.


Daisy Ridley Put on 50 Pounds of Muscle For ‘The Last Jedi’

In a short interview recently, the Star Wars actress who plays Rey, the dashing young heroine, Daisy Ridley, gave the world an idea of what her training regimen has been like during her tenure in the franchise. It’s well-known that the stars of these movies have to be in tip-top shape, as the physical requirements of the job can be demanding at times, but Ridley has taken her training to the next level!

“I’ve spent quite a bit of time in the gym lately, to say the least.” said Ridley, with a grin on her face. “My fitness adviser has me eating a lot of food to bulk up. You know, meat, potatoes, and the like. If you thought The Rock ate a lot for his muscles, you should see the dinners I’ve been having.”

bd6437e0734da21f425767c8d15e5c70--daisy-ridley-rdWith all the flashy fighting she does in the new Star Wars films, it’s no surprise that Ridley has to be strong enough to handle her opponents. Especially the crafty Kylo Ren, the brooding dark warrior who nearly killed Finn, the rogue Stormtrooper, and almost bested her too before the fight was over.

Speaking about her weight training, Ridley remarked on the effects of her long training hours. “I’ve put on about fifty pounds of muscle or so for the upcoming movies. Yeah. If I had to cite inspiration, I’d say Arnold Schwarzenegger’s  “Pumping Iron” had a big impact on me. I want to look like him someday. Seriously, you should see me work out. I’m benching almost two-hundred now, no joke. And my legs look freakin’ ginormous [sic], dude, like giant salami sticks. I was actually wrestling John (Boyega) the other day, and I cleaned his clock, it was hilarious.”

Sounds good to us! After all, she was recently seen carrying her costar, Mark Hamill, on her back around the studio lot. Perhaps when she inevitably meets Kylo Ren again, she’ll be pumped up enough to beat him for good, and the criticisms of her being a “Mary Sue” will be silenced.


‘Star Wars; The Last Jedi’ is currently scheduled for release in the USA on December 15th, 2017.